In Windows 10, you can change the window background color which is white by default.
The classic Window Color and Appearance dialog allowed you to change the color and size of various UI elements like Window background color, caption font, icon size, spacing, width, etc. It involves editing the registry, which is Windows’s central database of all settings and config data. I will show you how to change the window background color in Windows 10.
Window Background Color in Windows 10
Method 1: Download a vbe and change Window Background Color
1- File and unzip it. Please use the download Link (at the end of the page)
2- Click the Win_background_color.vbe
3.User Account Control (UAC) windows can popup and asks you if you want to allow it, Click Yes to proceed.
4- Now a small window pops up. Write them as follows:
( To find a suitable value, open Microsoft Paint and click on the Edit color button.
In the color dialog, select the desired color using the provided controls. Red[space] Green[space] Blue > type it in as 215 253 251.)
5-Chooese ok button.
6- Window background color has been set to 215 253 251 do you want to log off?
7-Chooese yes button.
Inorder to revert the changes, simply perform the above steps and give the original values, which was 255 255 255 (for white).
Method 2:
1- Open the Registry Editor app.
2- Navigate to the key below in the left pane of Registry Editor.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Colors
3- In the right pane of the Colors key, double click on the window value to modify it.
When you’re done, exit the registry editor and log out. When you next log into Windows, your new colour will take effect.
Change Default Window Text Color In Windows
Change Mouse Pointer Size And Color in Windows 10
Start Taskbar And Action Center Greyed Out
How To Change System Font & Text Size On Windows 10
Published on: Jun 14, 2019-edited date: 28-09-2020