Do you want to share a WhatsApp contact with someone on WhatsApp? So, If you want to send your friend’s number to another person, is pretty simple on WhatsApp.
How to share a contact through WhatsApp Chat.
Open the WhatsApp app. Locate to the contact you want to share and click on the contact name of the person. This will open a new chat window.
Tap the the paperclip icon. ( It is located in the bottom right corner) There will be a new pop-up menu includes the information like document, camera, gallery, audio, location and contact. You just click on contacts and it will guide you to your Android phone contacts.
Now select the contact you want to share from the phone book and click “arrow” and Now just click the “Send” button.
After the sharing process, the selected contact will appear on the chat window.
Ok . That’s All.
Published on: Jun 13, 2022 – 21-02-2023