What Is Android 12 Privacy Dashboard?

How To Use Android 12 Privacy Dashboard

Android 12 Privacy Dashboard: What Is It, How To Use?

Android 12 Privacy Dashboard is a new feature on Android aimed to help users keep track of apps that access sensitive permissions. Available to anyone with an Android phone right now. It’s a new option in the settings menu that gives you transparency as to which apps use your phone’s permissions at any given time. Alongside the dashboard, there’s a recording indicator that lights up whenever your camera or mic is in use.

 Android 12 Privacy Dashboard

So, Android users can monitor their smartphone and any other malicious activity being performed by an application.

How can you know what’s being accessed and which app is responsible?

Anytime you see a green camera icon( location icon or microphone icon) in the corner of your screen, you can tap it. So you can also check the usage of the location or camera.

How can you know what’s being accessed and which app is responsible?

Tapping on any app’s name in that pop-up will take you directly to that app’s permission page, where you can reassess what types of access it does and does not allow.

app’s permission page

Check your Privacy Dashboard

You might be wondering about what all permissions you can track using the Privacy Dashboard feature. You can use Privacy Dashboard to track the following permissions:

Body sensors
Call logs
Files and media
Nearby devices
Physical activity

You can easily enable or disable permissions for every app on your device from one convenient location. To access the Privacy Dashboard on Android 12, just follow the steps below.

How to open the Privacy Dashboard in Android 12?

You don’t have to install or enable anything, as the Privacy Dashboard is available by default on Android 12.
Open the settings. Scroll down and tap on Privacy.
Tap on Privacy Dashboard.

How to open the Privacy Dashboard in Android 12?

You will see the graphical representation of permissions accessed in the past 24 hours by various applications on your device.

For example, With the Privacy Dashboard, you can see that applications accessed your location. By tapping location, you can see the list of applications that accessed this particular permission. Moreover, in Android 12, you will also get to know about the duration for which an application accessed the permission. Tapping on any of the applications listed will open another window. This window provides detail about when your various apps accessed that data. If an application has accessed that particular data in the last day, the Privacy Dashboard will notate the time it accessed the data. You can use it to keep a close eye on whether or not apps are accessing your information when you aren’t aware of it. If you see an app that shouldn’t have access to that particular service, tap it to view a listing of all the services that the app has access to.

Privacy Dashboard in Android 12?

If you’re looking for a feature other than location, camera, or microphone, you may need to tap on “See other permissions” at the bottom of the screen.

Finally, if you’re use an Android phone, check it the Privacy Dashboard to ensure no apps are accessing your data without your permission.


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