Browsers supports multiple Tabs and This is very practical , you can read something and open another web page then turn back and continue to read first one , For example if you open a newspapers or financial chart it may reload every x seconds but sometimes this not works , we may need to refresh one or more tab (Multiple) together without close the browser. Many user uses Plugin to resfresh all tabs but what about only some tabs (Not All) ? How to We May Refresh Selected Browser Tabs?
Browsers tabs easily.
Refresh Multiple browser Tabs
We will use CRTL keyboard shortcut to achive our goal, for example if you have 7 opened tabs and want to resfresh 3 of them just use CTRL keyboard key and select these tabs , then right click one of them and choose refresh tabs , all selected tabs will refresh at the same time. you may repeat this action whenever you want. This is the simplest way to refresh a particular browser tabs.
Published on: Jul 9, 2020-Lest edited 26-09-2023