In this article we will show you how you can find out which apps in your Android phone have camera access permission and how you can disable their camera permission.
You might have noticed that apps require special permissions in order to function. Unfortunately, it’s not always clear what the permissions are used for. Depends on the phone but malware that accesses your camera and takes pictures or video without consent can be quite difficult to determine.
Apps can ask for permissions on a variety of sensors and data from your phone. Usually, they do this when you install them or run them for the first time.
How to list apps, which have a permission to access the camera?
1. Go to Settings on your Android phone.
2. Click on the Apps menu. Doing this opens a list of apps installed on your mobile device. Tap the setting icon located at the upper-right corner.
3- Touch the “App permissions” option. And, Touch on “Camera.” This will open up all the apps that could require Camera access on your mobile device.
4. To prevent an app from accessing your camera information, disable it on the Camera permissions screen. In front of each app will be a switch that is either on or off. For apps with access to your camera, the switch will be on (blue) and off (grey) for apps without access to your camera.
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Published on: Dec 23, 2019- edited date: 12-11-2021