How To Disable The Lock Screen in Windows 10

The lock screen is the screen you see when you lock your PC .

How To Disable The Lock Screen in Windows 10

If you’re using a desktop or laptop, there’s no need to have a lock screen every time your computer boots or wakes from sleep , To disable  the lock screen you can use the Group Policy Editor but Some version of Windows 10 does not include it and to Applying registry hack is not for everyone therefore we have coded a simple vbs script here is the simple steps to use it :

Disable or Remove Windows 10 Lock Screen

1- Just download the script at the end of the page and Unzip it. ( Password: ceofix)

1. Please download “no_lock_screen.rar” (at the end of the page)

2. After unzipping , Right click the vbe file , then choose Properties from the list.  At the bottom of the Properties windows, make sure the box for Unblock is ticked. Then click Apply and OK

3. Clik the no_lock_screen.vbe , User Account Control (UAC) windows can popup and asks you if you want to allow it , Click Yes to proceed.

4-  Chooese ok button.

How To Disable The Lock Screen in Windows 10

5- if you lock your computer or put it to sleep You will notice that Lock screen has been removed

Enable or add Windows 10 Lock Screen

1- Just download the script at the end of the page and Unzip it. ( Password: ceofix)

1. Please download “no_lock_screen.rar” (at the end of the page)

2- Clik the no_lock_screen.vbe , User Account Control (UAC) windows can popup and asks you if you want to allow it , Click Yes to proceed.

4-  Chooese ok button.

Tip: First click You will notice that Lock screen has been removed. Second click will Lock screen has been enabled.

How To Disable The Lock Screen in Windows 10

That’s it. Hope you find this helpful!

▼Download▼ Password:ceofix

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Published on: Nov 4, 2019- last update May 14, 2021

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